Click option in select and open other fields - AngularJS

I’m trying to have a similar action to which appears in the picture

How do I ng-if the ICMS and ICMS ST fields only after clicking on the option “10 - Tributada com Cobrança de ICMS por ST”?

I managed to do but I have a little problem

Select Regime → option “Tributação Normal”
Select Situação Tributaria → option “00 - Tributada Integralmente”

After click option “00 - Tributada Integralmente” display:

content ICMS
Select Modalid. de Determ. da BC ICMS
input Alíquota do ICMS

When I click to change option select “Regime” should disappear the contents of ICMS, but does not disappear

When you load the page in select “Regime” only without value is selected

<select class="form-control ng-pristine ng-valid ng-empty ng-touched" ng-model="icms.regime" ng-options="r.regime for r in data track by">
      <option value="" class="" selected="selected">Selecione o Regime</option>
       <option label="Tributação Normal" value="0">Tributação Normal</option>
       <option label="Simples Nacional" value="1">Simples Nacional</option>

After clicking on the other two options are all with selected attribute

<select class="form-control ng-valid ng-touched ng-not-empty ng-dirty ng-valid-parse" ng-model="icms.regime" ng-options="r.regime for r in data track by">
        <option value="" class="" selected="selected">Selecione o Regime</option>
        <option label="Tributação Normal" value="0" selected="selected">Tributação Normal</option>
        <option label="Simples Nacional" value="1" selected="selected">Simples Nacional</option>

I do not know why it happens

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