Class or ID named Important

Is the word “Important” a reserved word, or can I use it as a CSS Class or ID name?

#viewPM img.important


It’s “!important” is a property ( and do note it begins with a bang) , so it has no baring with the class or ID name space. :slight_smile:

Please let me explain myself…

I have a Database Field and CSS ID called “flag” that I have been using to denote when a User marks a Private Message. (In MS Outlook, I believe you “flag” messages, right?)

Anyways, I sorta got scolded by Francky - and rightly so - for my use of this name in said context.

So, to right my evil ways, I have decided to switch from using a “Flag” to a “Star” in the UI.

And on the back-end, I would like to rename things to “important” as that seems to describe what the User is doing when they mark a PM.

Does that sound okay and all? :-/



A class or id of ‘important’ is fine and absolutely correct.

Class names and ids can be any word you want but must not begin width a digit. They have no bearing on text used in property/values. :slight_smile:

Just wanted to be sure before I made a mess! (As you may have noticed, I’m a bit of a perfectionist…) :slight_smile:

