CKEditor isn't showing

I just downloaded the basic version of CKEditor and included it using the replace class method:

      <label for="pagina_content">Pagina content</label>
      <textarea class="ckeditor" cols="80" id="pagina_content" name="pagina_content" rows="10">

But it’s simply not showing. In the page source I see it’s there? What am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance

Did you include ckeditor.js in your page?

<script src="/path/to/ckeditor.js"></script>

If it is included then you can check your browser console for the errors

Yes it is included. I will check the error log

Maybe you can also give a link to the page with that problem

Thanks again for the reply. It’s a CMS and is not online as yet

I tried another editor as well nicEdit. But that one doesn’t give me any paragraphs on 2 returns