Charge for migrating 1700+ static pgs to Joomla?

New Joomla site, non-profit client wants to migrate old pages, all 1700+, to Joomla articles.7 categories.

Tasks: (1) remove noxious Frontpage HTML tags and classes, (2) adjust internal document URLs from old site directories to new site directories, (3) create correct titles, create meaningful aliases based on title or filename (both of which contain date, to be extracted), (4) upload into Joomla site, check formatting of content and correct linking.

Significant automated regex and/or web scraping required.

I can do it or farm it out. Would appreciate your pricing estimates for the project or what to offer some freelancer in India etc. Tnx.

Welcome to the forums, @ptyrider.

That’s somewhat difficult, as this is an international forum, and what would be an average price in one country might well be considered very high or very low in another.

This is not something I’ve done, but perhaps those with more experience could provide an estimate of how long this would take, so you can work out a price based on an hourly rate for your area. They may also be able to suggest suitable tools for the project.

Me, I’m based in the USA. As the client is a non-profit, I’d give a significant discount from an average USA developer quote–whatever it may be. I have no idea how many hours it would take but I suspect quite a few! I’d create some scripts for cleanup and extraction of the content (while retaining significant formatting) and then for the uploading into the Joomla MySQL content table. Sure, would love to hear of various tools and approaches.

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Not sure that it is directly comparable but earlier this year I migrated about 150 static pages to WordPress - that ended up taking about 25 hours to complete the conversion which was a lot more than I’d originally estimated.


It depends on the content in question, can all the required information be pulled from the existing content or do you need to manually create some? Also is the content uniform or if multiple parser’s need to be created.

In addition it depends on how used the team is at creating spider/parse tools.

If it can all be automated, then it is a much simpler job compared to if you also need to do manual updates to it.

The first thing you should do is do a fast review of the article randomly selecting perhaps 2% of them. Clarify the points I have mentioned above, and from this point you can make an educated estimate compared to the work required.

When you have your estimate, pad it with 20-50% all depending if your team is familiar with creating spider/parse tools.


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