Changing the default time in mySql

Hi all

I have the following query:

 $query1 = "INSERT INTO whoisonline VALUES (NULL,'$memberid', FROM_UNIXTIME('$lastlogin'), '$loggedfromip')";

This query works like a charm, however, I have the following problem.
The time inserted is local time on server which beloing to time zone ‘America/Denver’

I would like the time inserted to be ‘Europe/Athens’ time zone. I try with:


without any success however. Any help will be deeply appreciated.

Regards, Zoreli

this should help – MySQL Server Time Zone Support

Hi r937

It won’t, since I am on shared hosting. I have no permissions to do any of the things mentioned on the page. Any other way? Any idea how to rewrite the query eventually?

Regards, Zoreli


instead of inserting FROM_UNIXTIME($lastlogin), insert FROM_UNIXTIME($lastlogin + 86060)
