Changing email for Google Account (Google Analytics, Webmasters Tools,...)

Hi. I have a Google Account that I setup for the organization I’m currently working for. It has Google Analytics and Webmasters Tool accounts associated. I used my email at the organization for that, however I will now stop working for them and my email address will be no longer active. I’d like to transfer over the account and associated services without any loss in data to a colleague, preferably by using an email alias so that at least another person can access and backup the colleague in term of IT skills.
My question is: is it possible to change the email associated with the account? What impact does this have on the rest? Could you also change data in the personal profile without running into problems?
How should I proceed to make the transition as smooth as possible?
Thanks in advance for your help!

It should be possible to change your email address for your Google account.
I’m not sure that is what you want, if you use your Google account for your own personal stuff too. If it’s an account you have just for that job, then it may be OK.

There is another option within Search Console and Analytics. That is to add other accounts to the properties and subsequently, maybe remove yourself from them.
So you (or someone at work) could create a new Google account. You grant that account access to the Search Console and Analytics properties, then remove yourself if required.

In Search Console, within a property, click the settings (cog) menu and choose “Users and property owners” and add an account.

In Analytics, go into Admin, then “User Management”.

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Hi SamA74,
thanks for your advise!
I tried the second option you suggested, that is to add at least another admin to the properties in GA.
I realized there was another Google account used for the same organization which is used for YouTube, Google+ and it’s using a Gmail email address. So I went on and added that as a full access user to all accounts (and it automatically propagates to all properties). However if I login as the gmail user, once I’m granted access, I cannot see custom reports I created with the first Google account (also scheduled emails to send automatic reports based on custom reports are obviously no longer listed)…
Is there a way to share custom reports, segments, shortcuts, etc with another user?
Otherwise I really need to change the email for the Google account…
Thanks in advance!

Maybe I found the solution, that is Share Assets in the Views. However how can I make sure that I share these Assets only with the other users I added under Users Admin for each account?
Share template link or Share in Solutions Gallery? Would Solution Gallery make all of my Assets available to anyone through the Solution Gallery, so they just can go to Import from Gallery do a search and get them?
I have created assets with the organization name, so I don’t want these to be published outside the organization.

Have you looked at the Analytics Help on managing accounts?

I think this might be what you need:

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