CellSpacing and CellPadding for CSS


The current state of my website is over here - http://insurancecommissionrefund.com/dropdown/

This is the state which I wanted to achieve - http://insurancecommissionrefund.com/dropdown/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/changes.jpg

Basically I wanted 2 things, the spacing between each td and alignment left together with the Navigation Menu and the Slide Show.

CSS Codes for my table class

td.tableheader {
vertical-align: top;

By setting:
div#content .padder {
padding-left: 0px;

I am able to shift the whole thing to align with the Menu and slideshow but it affects also the rest of the website, am I able to use this on the home page itself only? Any help rendered is greatly appreciated.


If you want it to affect the home page only, and definitely no other pages ever, the easiest thing is to take that bit of CSS out of the stylesheet and put it directly into the page head in <style type=“text/css”>…</style> tags.


You already have a class called .home in the body tag so you could use that to target the home page only.


Remove the padder class you added and just pull the table wide.

.home .entry table{
margin:0 -20px 15px;
.home .entry td.tableheader{border-left:5px solid #fff;}
.home .entry td.tableheader:first-child{border:none}
.home .entry td.tablecontent{padding-left:10px}