Career in online marketing for a nontechnical background?

Hello everyone,

I am doing my MBA in marketing. I want to make my career in digital marketing. But i am confused about online and offline marketing. I don’t have any technical background so is it better to go for digital marketing?

Thank you!

In order to make any decissions you should know the differences between online and offline marketing. Online marketing and digital marketing are the same thing.

I have to say that I’m a bit surprised that you are confused about what’s digital/online marketing and offline.

Online marketing is all the marketing that happens on the web or e-mail, from social media to banners, ads in online newspapers, etc. That is, to see it you need either a browser or an e-mail client.

Offline marketing is all the marketing that happens outside the web. That goes to ads in traditional newspapers, TV, radio ads, etc.

Regarding technical background, although it is good if you have some understanding of the technologies that are part of the web, you will be not a coder so it is not mandatory.


If you do not have the technical skill in the field of marketing, then you can work with an expert.

Simple, is not it?

Digital marketing is not easy at all. No matter what course you have complete.

There are tons of Adverting network, they work on different models, like CPM, CPC, CPA, Re-Marketing, Email Marketing, Solo Ads etc.

No, you don’t need any technical background, because you can hire other people to make Landing page or Squeeze page.

I would suggest to you promote someone products(you can get from clickbank or commission junction or amazon) by using paid marketing, and test out, how much profit are you making. If you spend more than $200 and did not get any conversation, then you need to do more and more practice.

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I agree with the guys above me, technical skills are a bonus but not a must.
What is a must is some “getting-started-money” (and also a lot of patience and willingness to learn and read for days and days).

Online & Offline marketing is a narrow part Digital Media Marketing, If you are looking for an career in this then I suggest that you choose a right career.

Currently Digital marketing has many scope & you can select any one in which you are interested like Email marketing, PPC, Link Building, Video Marketing, Customer Relationship, Social Media Marketing, Branding & Reputation Management.

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Having an MBA background, I think you can opt for both online and offline marketing careers. Online marketing involves technical work while offline requires interpersonal skills. You can choose based upon your personal skill set!

For non-technical background person, online marketing I believe is not quite difficult. To success in online marketing need hard work, patience etc. If you want example, then it is me. I have completed my MBA in finance. But choose freelancing as my profession. OK??

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