Cannot Find the .css or .php file containing the code

Hello - I have spent hours trying to find the code that gets rid of the title in uppercase on a site I am working on called I used firebug to search out that the problem lies in the page_titles of the style.php file however it references line 88 and there is no line 88 that I can see. I then downloaded all of the FTP files to my computer and did a file search for the text-transform: uppercase keyword but to no avail. I have loaded the style page below - I think the code is being hidden somewhere in a backlink file however I have no idea how to find it. I also checked the affilo.css file with no luck. Any thoughts.

header('Content-type: text/css');

$preview = '';
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
    $ref = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
    if (!empty($ref['query'])) {
        $get = array();
        parse_str($ref['query'], $get);
        if (isset($get['stylesheet']) && isset($get['preview']) ) {
            $preview = $get['stylesheet'];
            define( 'AFFILO_PREVIEW' , $preview);

/** Load WordPress Bootstrap */
$basePath = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))))));
require_once($basePath . '/wp-load.php');

if (!defined('AFFILO_THEME')) {
    if (strpos($preview, '/affilotheme_2')) {
        echo "@import url('./affilo.css');\
    } else {
        //default theme variation of a subtheme....
} else {
    if (affilo_get_current_theme() == AFFILO_THEME) {
        $themeName = AFFILO_THEME;
        echo '/* ' . AFFILO_THEME . ' */' . "\
        echo "@import url('./affilo.css');\
    } else {
        $themeName = affilo_get_current_theme();
        $theme = affilo_get_theme($themeName);
        $stylesheet = "{$theme['Theme Root URI']}/{$theme['Stylesheet']}/style.css";
        //echo '/* ' . AFFILO_THEME . ' / ' . $themeName . ' */' . "\
        //echo "@import url('$stylesheet');\
    if ($variant = affilo_get_current_variation()) {
        $var = affilo_get_theme_variation($themeName, $variant['Title']);
        $stylesheet = "{$var['Theme Root URI']}/{$var['Stylesheet']}/style.css";
        echo '/* ' . AFFILO_THEME . ' / ' . $themeName . ' / ' . $var['Name'] . ' */' . "\
        echo "@import url('$stylesheet');\
    echo '/* ' . AFFILO_THEME . ' / User Defined Styles */' . "\

Hi brian1110. Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

It’s in this file:


on line 102 (in a set of rules that starts on line 88):

.page-title {
	font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Grande", Arial;
	font-size: 25px;
	color: #000;
	font-style: normal;
	font-weight: normal;
	text-decoration: none;
	[COLOR="#FF0000"]text-transform: uppercase;[/COLOR]

Hey Ralph, thanks for taking a crack at this. I included ALL of the code that lies in that .php file in the original post. The file doesn’t go to 88, nor 102. If it did I would have been done with this days ago. I read somewhere about hidden .css code in .php files however I understand that hidden code will not affect the style of the webpage. With the fact that it is affecting the style I have to assume the code either lies somewhere else or is being easily hidden.

O well. If all else fails, you could put this in a style sheet you can access:

.page-title {
	text-transform: none !important;

Ralph - you rock, honestdietreview is not my main site, I dropped the code you provided (which with all the BS I have looked up I actually knew) in the theme site for honestdietreview and it worked, then I tried my main site and nothing, however I then dropped it a couple more places like the parent theme and voila…