Can I use Web Hosting just to store files?

I have been looking into online storage as I have about 20GB of home videos I want to back up online. I have looked at loads of online storage providers and none allow you to upload by FTP. What I want to know is can i just use an unlimited web hosting package on Hostgator and just upload by videos to that in a private section

I have looked at the tos for Hostgator and can’t see anything that says not Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, and Dedicated Website Hosting w/ cPanel - HostGator.

Are there are any problems with this idea?

As long as the content is legal in both your country of origin and in the country which the server is located, and it isn’t mentioned in their terms and conditions, there shouldn’t be a problem.

However it’d probably be beneficial for you to use cloud-storage, such as Dropbox. Whilst I haven’t looked into it, I’d guess that it would be faster and cheaper too.

Hi Jake

Thanks for your response, having looked into it a bit further I have got the wrong end of the stick and wouldn’t gain the benefit I thought I would doing it this way.

Using a shared account as a backup/storage device is not permitted, with the exception of one cPanel backup of the same account. Please do not take backups of your backups.

Web Hosting, Reseller Hosting, and Dedicated Website Hosting w/ cPanel - HostGator

Their policy on inodes should also be read.

1.yes,you can use web hosting to store files.
2. but it depends on the kind of files you want store through web hosting and the need or purpose of this storage.
3. as one might be ezcepting storing files is an important part of web hosting.
4. there are end number of reason a web site has to host files on the internet, such as video streaming, podcasting, hosting a game, pictures, images, among others.

I believe you need contact severalm providers and ask them if that is possible. If there will be storing files only without any web site - I believe that will not be a problem for any provider.

it depends on the agreement page of you hosting company. just check it first to make sure.

Well yes, you can, there might be some objections if you will store some explicit date or files.

Many oversellers don’t allow storage of files not related to the website hosted. So you will need to find a non-overselling provider. Big providers like HostGator may not consider 20GB too much, but it will still violate their ToS.

You can pretty much use your hosting for anything you want - so long as its within the limits defined by your hosting companies terms and conditions.

Rather tahn getting ‘hosting’, you may find a cloud storage solution a lot cheaper though (one that doens’t come with the ability to serve your data to the internet)

If you already have available space on your hosting account(s), why not use it. But you’d likely have easier administration and access to your files via Dropbox and the like.

well yes, you can use web hosting to store files.
it depends on the agreement of you hosting company. first check it to make sure.
If you already havecheck it and you have available space on your web hosting account, then why not use it…