Can I get some moderator help?

Id like to edit some of my post in the past becuase those links to my website were for testing purposes and I dont want those links active.

As a rule, we don’t go back and edit posts, so it’s important to think ahead when posting links. You could do a .htaccess redirect of those links.

and how do i do that?

If you don’t already have a .htaccess file in your root folder, create one. (You may have to create a file called htaccess.txt, upload it, and then rename it simple to [COLOR="#FF8C00"].htaccess[/COLOR] [dot at the front, no extension at the end].)

Inside that file, create redirects like this:

Redirect 301 /folder/oldpage.html /newfolder/newpage.html

If that doesn’t make sense, perhaps head over to the Apache forum for more details. :slight_smile:

no that makes sense just wish i didn’t have to do all that lol

No i don’t want to edit anything i was just looking the posting.


After how much post we should appear signature both internal and external

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