BYO Web Site ed.2 (links?)

I have no doubt this is a user error, never the less, this forum still seems to be the place to aid in resolution.

I’m attempting to link from file to file after adding the <div id=“navigation”> markup. I double checked the markup and even ran it though validation with no issues. Yet I still get browser error

Firefox can’t find the file at /F:/web/about.html.

Is having the “web” file on a flash drive an issue? I also tried the links after transfering web folder to desktop. I’ve been spoiled by my Mac so I don’t navigate well around Window anymore.

thanks for any assistance.

That bar before the F should not exist, so very probably your link has an extra / at the beggining in the href attribute.

Since the error is in the text you wrote, and not the markup, it validates.

If you want me to have a look, copy a paste the code here, using [noparse]

[/noparse] tags


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
	<title>Bubble Under-The diving club for south-west UK</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
	  content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>


	<div id="header">
	  <div id="sitebranding">
	  <div id="tagline">
	    <p>Diving club for the south-west UK - let's make a splash!</p>
	</div> <!-- end of header div-->

	<div id="navigation">
	    <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
	    <li><a href="about.html">About Us</a></li>
	    <li><a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a></li>
	</div> <!-- end of navigation div -->

	<div id="bodycontent">
	  <h2>Welcome to out super-dooper Scuba site</h2>
	  <p><img src="divers-circle.jpg" width="200" height="162"
	     alt="A circle of divers practice their skills"/></p>
	  <p>Glad you could drop in and share some air with us! You've passed your
	   underwater navigation skills and successfully found your way to the start
	   point- or in this case, our home page.</p>
	</div> <!-- end of bodycontent div -->

thanks for the assistance

I can’t see anything wrong so I’m guessing that it may have to do with the installation of the web server (it is the only thing that I can think of). Why do I think like this? Because your links, as you have them here, use relative paths but the error you give shows the full path including the drive letter. And it is parsing it wrongly… as if the drive letter was a directory and not a logical unit.

I do have two suggestions:

  1. your doctype. Careful with your capital letters… you should use them in the right places… it is not “-//W3c//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN” but “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN”

  2. for empty tags, leave a white space after the last attribute. So if you have <img src=“pic.jpg” alt=“something”/> make it <img src=“pic.jpg” alt=“something” />
    The reason for doing this is that some older browsers don’t parse the tag properly if that white space is not there. There are not many of those nowadays but you never know.

thanks molona. I have corrected your two suggestions in my markup.

I’m still working on a solution to the anchor issue. If I get it figured out I’ll post the remedy.

my solution was to move my project to the Mac and off of the HP laptop.

The work environment isn’t ideal but, I’m making progress again in the book.

thanks for the feedback and support.

I would still like to know which configuration you had. If you didn’t have any server side programming, the links should have worked fine, with or without web server

I’m not sure what you mean by configuration. How would I find that out?

I feel a little guilty not solving the problem on my laptop, but I didn’t want to delay on my progress in BYO Website.