Building my second website, any suggestions?

Working on my second website right now, I am using a wordpress template and hosting on Blue host. I hosted my first website on 1and1 and used their templates to build, with the new site I believe the design looks much more modern and is more user friendly. The site is TheGrowLightBoss, the plan is to review LED, Plasma, HID/HPS and induction grow lights. I have set up separate pages for reviews by light category and a blog for interesting grow light arcticles/tips/links. Very excited to get the site going, I have already contacted multiple lighting companies, and I am working closely with engineers at a grow light startup in Seattle. Please let me know what you think of the site, and give any suggestions of what I can do to connect with other sites in the space. Thanks!


It would be great if you use larger image for the background
This is how it looks on my 1920x1080 resolution:

Image repeats and doesn’t cover entire viewport

A site whose content is served by JavaScript for no reason? I wish people wouldn’t do that. :stuck_out_tongue:

The layout could use some refining.

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