BS popover only content scrollable with arrow

Hello guys,
I have a bootstrap popover whose popover-content i need scrollable but it does not work. Making the whole popover scrollable works but then the popover arrow goes missing. I am using a template because i want to remove the padding of popover-content for this popover only. i have multiple popovers on my page.

Below is my fiddle


You will need to add a height to match the area that you want to scrol in the popover-content element.


<div class="popover-content" style="padding:0px;overflow-y:auto;height:164px">
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Thanks Paul its working as expected. There is one more issue I am facing.
I am loading the content from an ajax call. Below is the code for it.

        template: '<div class="popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-inner"><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content" style="padding:0px;overflow-y:auto;max-height:450px;"><p></p></div></div></div>',
        html: true,
    	placement: 'bottom',
    	title: 'Notifications',
    	content: function(){
	        var div_id =  "tmp-id-" + $.now();
	        return details_in_popup(div_id);
    function details_in_popup(div_id){
    	    url: "<?php echo base_url('pull_notify'); ?>",
        	success: function(response){
    	return '<div id="'+ div_id +'">Loading...</div>';

This works as expected except the popover is pointing to another popover which i have on the same page. However when i add a static content the popover the arrow and popover placement is proper.


I’ve moved the thread to the JS forum as this is now a js question and you’ll get a better answer here :slight_smile:

Thanks Paul :slight_smile:

Ok Solved the issue.
Changed the return div with

return '<div id="'+ div_id +'" style="width: 400px; padding-right: 10px">Loading...</div>';

Apparently the fix was adding a style to the div with a specified width and some css changes in template.
Below is the code

        template: '<div class="popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="popover-inner"><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content" style="padding:0px;overflow-y:auto;max-height:450px; width: 400px"><p></p></div></div></div>',     
        html: true,
    	placement: 'bottom',
    	title: 'Notifications',
    	content: function(){
	        var div_id =  "tmp-id-" + $.now();
	        return details_in_popup(div_id);
    function details_in_popup(div_id){
    	    url: "<?php echo base_url('pull_notify'); ?>",
        	success: function(response){
    	return '<div id="'+ div_id +'" style="width: 400px; padding-right: 10px">Loading...</div>';

PS: I am also using the below css,

   	 max-width: 600px !important;
   	 max-height: 500px !important;
   .popover div{
   	overflow-x: hidden !important;

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