Hi All,
Weird problem i’m having. I was using a Georgia font for a heading and wanted to use Georgia Italic instead of making a faux italic by changing the font style.
Admittedly i never tried this before, but presumed it would work fine with something like this.
h1{font-family:"Georgia Italic",Georgia, serif;}
Checking in Firefox (RC2), works fine. I have the Georgia Italic font displayed as excepted. However, on opening up in MSIE 6 (SP2) & Opera 7.54 - All on Windows XP SP2 - it seems to have decided to display Georgia and not Georgia Italic (or perhaps the default serif)
So to make things abit clearer i changed the code to the following:
h1{font-family:"Georgia Italic",Arial, serif;}
Now Firefox displays the same as before (Georgia Italic), IE6 displays Georgia (well, my default serif, which is Georgia) and Opera displays Arial !!
I’m abit confused by this whole thing. Does Firefox support Italic fonts but not IE6 or Opera 7 ? or am i missing something obvious?