Box-shadow and IE8

This page shows shadows in the sidebar panels in both IE8 and modern browsers

This page, which has a different but very close stylesheet fails to display shadows in IE8,

I tried to validate the css in both and I get this

Property box-shadow doesn’t exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in : 3px 3px 3px gray 3px 3px 3px gray

How should I read this, and why does it work with one stylesheet and not the other?

Thank you


It seems that I validated for 2.1 in

rather than 3 in

However, the basic problem remains: how come the shadows work in one and not the other in IE8 ?

Hi there qim,

I see your box-shadow here…


…in IE8 and it looks very nice. :sunglasses:

The “sprites2.js” does not work though. :mask:

This line…


…being the choker. :cold_sweat:


Thanks coothead

Are you saying that in IE8 in your systems the shadows in the sidebar panels work as well as in the Shinjuku page?

I will look at the other issue later. Thanks

In my IE8 I get a different rendering of the shadows in the sidebar panels.

Following coothead’s post could someone else confirm if there is or there is not any difference between the shadows in the two pages?

There is certainly a difference in mine!

Thank you


I found a way round by mentioning PIE twice in the HTML header, once for the rounded corners, another for the shadows.

Doesn’t make much sense because the other page works without it…

Anyway, it i solved.

Thank you

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