Bottom nav media query, missing image, broken page

first, i thank you :slight_smile:

and thank you for being cool about this… you can tell i struggle sometimes and i am fully aware of that

i hope this is fixed!

please, where was it?

i succesfully validated ALL my HTML via validator… minor issues really… for my google map

where please

not sure what you are telling me here :frowning:

i do get

i am just lost where exactly the code in question is

i dont understand what you are telling me… maybe re-explain or explain in a different way?

  margin-top: 35rem;

this is at line 361 - 366 in my style.css… what should i do with that?

i saw this:

seriously, i will finish my current project, i feel i am almost there, then will really dive into chrome dev tools. as of right now i know very little about dev tools :frowning:

will dev tools help me with my trouble? will it help me raise the footer nav on the 2 pages where it is very very low?

PLEASE i ask you how to make those work… if you feel you have expained that, sorry i dont follow :frowning:

listen, i appreciate ALL you are doing for me here! thanks for not calling me stupid