Well, don’t know what source you are learning from – but a big tip, ease up on the DIV. One of the things I’ve said time and time again is that CSS is only as good as the HTML it’s applied to.
You’ve got a horde of DIV and classes doing existing tags or paragraph/heading tag’s job…
Also if you’re building new pages, you shouldn’t be using transitional markup – that says you’re in transition from 1997 to 1998… it means outdated coding practices.
All those clearing div? unneccessary. The gif’s like menu_top and menu_bottom? Don’t even belong in the markup as those are presentational – CSS’ job.
Even simple stuff like:
<div class=“right_header”>Categories</div>
Should probably be a H2… without a class! The quote should be inside a blockquote tag, etc, etc…
Since you’re just starting out, I really suggest reading a decent tag reference. Tutorials give you the syntax, but until you know what all the tags are and what they are for, your HTML is going to suffer for it. While a bit outdated, I like the old WDG HTML reference:
HTML 4 Reference
Because it takes the specification and turns it into plain english. The reference here at sitepoint is also good, but more advanced… learn what tags are available and what they are for using the old reference, then dig into the nitty-gritty of things like browser specifics with the one here.
If I was writing that same page, the HTML would probably go something like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
horizontal rules in below code are present for CSS off users
and/or non-screen users. Should be hidden in CSS
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Why, Hello.
<em>We sell high-quality fabric at lower prices than your major local retailers.</em>
"I found some amazing prices at FabricSupply.com, but when I received the package I was even happier. The fabric was packaged nicely and a better quality than what I was even anticipating. It was even more worthwhile when I had seen my daughters face when she saw the new stylish jeans I had made her."
<cite><span>Linda</span> Oklahoma City, OK</cite>
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Tired of thinking of mom-jeans when you think of making your own outfits? Our apparel fabric is one of the most comprehensive lists of the fabrics that will allow you to design the latest and most stylish jeans, pants, shirts, and professional designer quality outfits.
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Our Quilt Fabric is some of the most stylish and trendy fabrics you will find. We have a wide range of materials to help you get the right fabric for the right type of quilt you are hoping design.
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Looking to spruce up the living room? We have a wide range of fabrics available. Our fabrics include everything from contemporary to country, from modern to classic.
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Lorem ipsum <a href="#">dolor</a> sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam blandit, felis nec hendrerit commodo, libero dolor vehicula eros, in gravida mauris mi ut orci. Ut lorem sem, pulvinar venenatis sodales imperdiet, dignissim nec tellus. Etiam at imperdiet est. Pellentesque consectetur, diam et dictum lacinia, nisl felis ullamcorper urna, quis tempor sem erat a justo. Etiam purus odio, dictum sed consectetur ac, lacinia in velit. Curabitur arcu turpis, bibendum sed lacinia elementum, lobortis nec eros. In iaculis ligula vitae turpis accumsan tempus. Nulla facilisi. Sed felis ante, vulputate vel gravida ac, fringilla in leo. Mauris pretium dapibus nulla non feugiat. Etiam adipiscing, odio laoreet dictum faucibus, dui neque suscipit mauris, aliquam dignissim ligula elit non sapien. Praesent pulvinar mollis varius. Suspendisse hendrerit, purus nec adipiscing pellentesque, nibh magna lacinia odio, porttitor lobortis ante libero id neque. Mauris venenatis lobortis sodales. Integer et feugiat lectus. Etiam eros nunc, adipiscing vel commodo vel, convallis eget purus. Nam gravida sapien id ligula condimentum consequat. Fusce vel pellentesque velit. Aliquam a tellus vitae purus convallis sollicitudin ut tempor magna.
Quisque viverra nunc sed risus congue non fringilla turpis egestas. Proin ut libero purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam faucibus velit at ante interdum feugiat. Nulla velit dolor, lobortis a cursus ut, pellentesque eu erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent scelerisque volutpat dolor ac vulputate. Duis congue elit et risus imperdiet at convallis turpis aliquam. Nunc velit ipsum, placerat vehicula sollicitudin eget, dignissim nec turpis. Nam tristique, metus ac commodo imperdiet, eros erat porttitor libero, sed porta est lacus eu tortor.
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Throwing about a quarter of your HTML away. Since it’s all plain borders and roundeds I’d consider CSS3, though it could just as easily be handled CSS2 with some expressions to help out “poor old IE.”
I’ll toss together a CSS3 example, and maybe if I have time a CSS2 one, with a breakdown of the how/where/why of the HTML and CSS so you can learn from it.
Oh, couple other things – you know 800px isn’t 800 screen width friendly, right? You need to take off 32-48px for things like scrollbars, but that’s why fixed width layouts, as popular as they are with the people who think drawing a picture in photoshop has ANYTHING to do with web design, are a miserable accessibility /FAIL/. I’ll make up my demo as semi-fluid (might put a couple div back in during the process) so you can see how that’s handled too.