Bootstrap navbar not sizing properly when dropdowns open when viewport is narrow

Im working with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Im looking at using the Navbar component - however it seams to me like its not working properly - even on the Bootstrap website !

When you collapse the view-port down and the nav collapses, if you click on the nav to open it… Once open, if you click the “dropdown” - it opens too, however the window does not size properly, and the links at the end of the list end up getting chopped off !

You can see the example on the Bootstrap site behaving like this:

Im using Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 on the mac also does the same thing in Safari 7.0

Has anyone experienced this or got a solution ?


It seems to work ok for me and you just have to scroll to see the dropdown options as they extend further than the height of the element. (I believe that chrome mac only shows the scrollbar once you click inside and start scrolling.)