Bootstrap <h2> tag won't shrink?

I used bootstrap for this. but it won’t collpase.


Thanks in advanced.

solidcodes, you are a person of few words. :slight_smile: Tell us more about this <h2> that doesn’t faint.

Or maybe my question is wrong.

How to make texts in Bootstrap properly collapsible/fluid?

example of texts <h1>, <h2>, <p>, <strong> etc…

Thank you very much in advanced.

Without seeing the specific HTML and css code in question, we cannot possibly provide an answer to your question. HTML responds to whatever css targets it. There is no “generic” reason why text does not resize in bootstrap yet does resize outside of bootstrap. You have asked a general question for which there is no general answer.

If you can put together a sample of code that demonstrates the problem, we will be glad to look at it with you. A sample, not an entire page, please.

Okay this page below that I’m currently working,

The title “Sample Site Twelve” and its description texts should collapse,
when I resize the browser into small size.

But it won’t what could be the reason?

Thank you very much in advanced.

They are inside a fixed-width container:

<td width="1000" align="left">

… so there can be no reflowing of that content.

Aaaahhh, so it’s the <table> that is affecting it.
I’m learning, I’m learning…
Thank you @ralph.

I wish there is a thank button.