Bootstrap fit a large image background to his box

how to fit a large background image to his
box ?


<div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-4 one">
         <div><p> cover </p></div>
        <div class="col-md-4 two">
          <div> <p> contain </p> </div>
        <div class="col-md-4 three">
          <div> <p> custom </p> </div>
    </div><!-- /.container -->


body {
        padding-top: 60px;
        height: 200px;
        line-height: 200px;
        background-color: red;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: top left;
        background-size: cover;
        background-image: url('pan.jpg');
        height: 200px;
        line-height: 200px;
        background-color: green;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: top left;
        background-size: contain;
        background-image: url('pan.jpg');
        height: 200px;
        line-height: 200px;
        background-color: yellow;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: top left;
        background-size: auto;
        background-image: url('pan.jpg');

but none of these works.

Do you have a live version of the site?
That should work, but there could be a specificity issue if there is other css code overriding these rules.
What do you see? Do you get the red background and no image, or a different background colour/image?

No, I don’t have a live site example.
The rules works but it’s not what I want
to get as layout (the large img dont fit the box)

Looking at the code again, you are using three different background size settings.
Each are working as expected.
What result did you want to see?

I know all are working as expected
but none do my goal
(the large image should fit the element box
as cover do for the small one )
Put it in this case I’ve got
box 200X300
image 800X1200

the image should fit the box
(I can see the whole image)

I hope to have expained my self :slight_smile:

SORT OF (but withe the background)
Responsive images
Images in Bootstrap 3 can be made responsive-friendly via the addition of the .img-responsive class. This applies max-width: 100%;, height: auto; and display: block; to the image so that it scales nicely to the parent element. To center images which use the .img-responsive class, use .center-block instead of .text-center. See the helper classes section for more details about .center-block usage.

Perhaps you can post one or two annotated images that show what you wish to see. (desktop and mobile sizes)

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