Book Tours

Neal Giaman is on a book tour, and he was going to be appearing in my area at some point.

When I looked at the event details, there was a $35 entrance fee (for a seat and a copy of the book).

I’ve never been to a book tour event, but I was always under the assumption they were free and were intended to promote the book. I had a mild interest in attending since I’ve enjoyed some of his past works, but there’s no way I’m putting down cash for this.

Has anyone ever heard of an admission/ticket fee for a book tour appearance? It seems really odd to charge for something like this.

Strikes me as odd, too. I’ve been to a couple of book events and they were both free. They offered a chance to meet the author and buy an autographed copy of his/her book, if you wanted to stand in line. Have never heard of charging a fee up front. Times change, I guess.

Is it happening in a shop or in another place like a theatre, or a public/private hall?

Likewise, I’ve not seen that before. Rather than saying to his audience:

Hey, let me tell you about the book and, if you like the sound of it, buy a signed copy …

he’s really saying

I’m not going to bother talking to you unless I know you’ve bought a copy …

Seems odd to me … but, I guess if it works, then good luck to him.

It’s happening at a city center / event hall.

The major bookstore in the area (Borders) went out of business. That’s where author signings were typically held in the past.

Never heard of this. The ones I’ve known where held in a book store and were free.