
I am a beginner :blush:, what is the first time I have to do to make seo for my blog.:rolleyes::shifty:

start it from now! whoa, from indonesia too?

Are you using a blogger template or your own

hai guys, thanks for replay
I’m using minima template, I get it from other site which provide free download template for blogger, :smiley:

hai clarissa. thanks for replay

I do not know much about seo, have any suggest for me?:slight_smile:

i don’t get well with seo hehehe.
I’m now focusing on trying to increase my PR.

Add more new content on your blog, more keywords, then promote those keywords.
Increase PR via dofollow article websites.

hai Asharer. thank’ for replay

This good advice, I’ll try to do your advice:)

hai andy mehra, may I call you andy, thank’s for replay.

it really work? I’ve been following infolink PPC on my Blog.
but had no effect on traffic and pagerank to my blog.

Hey alphacino, why don’t you just google your concerns? I am pretty sure you’ll get more and better answers there.

hallo Wardcosbyson,

Really? yes I’ll try it
thanks for suggesting

If you are beginner in SEO and you want to promote your blogs…
First step for your blog promotion should be submitting your blog in many search engines.
Then you can promote your blogs according following SEO strategies:

Off Page Optimization

Submission to search engines
Local marketing
Directory Submission
Blog Submission
Article Submission
Free Classifieds
Press Releases
Video optimization
Link Building
How to promote home page
Promoting Subsequent pages of the website
Black Hat / White Hat / Grey Hat Seo
Blog Comments

On Page Optimization

Meta Tags
Creating Robots file
Header and footer
Creating sitemaps
Optimizing Seo content
Image tag optimization
Keyword Density Analysis
URL renaming/re-writing
Google webmaster tools
Yahoo Feed Submission

You shuold:(1)Make sure your blog , it has a new contents every day.(2)Optimize your blog,amar.nema has said detailed.(3)Continuous learning seo knowledge for your blog.

I am also using the minima template of Blogger but with some tweaks which makes it a bit more SEO friendly and useful for Google adsense :-).
<snip> I tried to keep it much simple and highlighting the main content. <snip>

simple but qualified, that is what I think about your blog, acmeous.
I agree 100% with your opinion. The most important is the content not the packaging.

Thanks alphacino. I always believe Content is King for any Blog. So we should always keep in mind for an authenticated blog, we have to highlight the content above all other things, even ads or links.

Is that all I have to do?
I’m sure you really know about seo,
thank you very much for the complete answer
I really appreciate for this, Amar.

Always remember the later part - Onpage optimization are more important for a long term goal rather than the Off site optimization. And believe me, its not so easy to tick off all of these appropriately. You will come to know so many things along with these :).

Yes it’s a process and takes time to learn and do it all effectively. Though forum posting, blogging, link building, etc… will all help and as long as your not taking any shortcuts (i.e. farming, etc…) it will benefit and can’t really do it ‘wrong’ just maybe not as effective. But once you learn your best keywords it will help. Also focus on long tail keywords and submit articles with those in them, you may find some very effective ones that may not be searched very much, but really key in on what you offer so will almost always produce business.

Well, you can start by doing comments on other blogs. You can leave a link for other readers to follow. Just make sure that the blogs that you are commenting on are related to your own.

You are getting lots of tips for SEO but the most important thing is the discipline and consistency while implementing all these techniques. It is your hard work and discipline that make difference.

If your Blog is completely new then submit it in various search engines. And start submitting your Blog in high pr blog directories. You can also go for RSS Submission.