Between and ::: Unbelievable

I believe you both, but I was just thinking about this possibility. With your feedback, the vision is more clear now.

You didn’t bothered me @SamA74, or being very presumptuous. For sure Facebook has better ranking begin from here website (this is not my website by the way, a friend’s one). So if I understand what you mean, Google find that a facebook page much better than a .com website.

I didn’t want to talk about the likes, sorry, I was talking about the movement over the page, between facebook page and website page.

Not necessarily, no. On this occasion, Google has determined the Facebook page to be more relevant to the search query than the main domain. That will not always hold true.


You’ve really got to go into Google Webmaster / Bing Webmaster to get real data. A single search tells you nothing, it is a single sample out of who knows how many searches. Also, personalization kicks in and even stuff like your geographic location can produce a permutation.

In the Webmaster tools you can see the distribution of search on specific terms, as well as impression volume, CTR, etc.

What is behind this is the basic concept of relevance, which is highly contextual (which search engine being used is one such context). Google learns from CTR and bounce rates. All that matters, and is raw empirical data that Google then adapts and creates various experiments.

Consider Google Serps generation as a large monte carlo simulation and feedback mechanism. That is, for the set of queries for a given term, there will be a distribution of possible positions for the body of results. CTR and non-bounces (that is, non-returns for another click or rerun of the same or other search) is a positive feedback to maintain or advance a basic probability distribution.


Check your webmaster tools and see if the site is set for a specific demography. Review your backlinks and see if you have lot of .fr backlinks. Use analytics tools like GA or Gostats and check if the traffic demography is from France or more from USA or global.

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Hello guys and sorry for the late reply, I don’t know why I didn’t see the notification about your reply.

@jeffmcneill and @Eddie_S I changed the audience target on google webmaster tools from international to United States. Is that will help to get a part of the solution ?

Google also returns searches based on what you have searched for before. You can turn it off though
might be worth checking.

Thanks @Noppy for your reply, you are right, anyway I tested many times the website from and till now, there is no chance with the result

Great News for today, now if we search for “begin from here” on it is the first result now :slight_smile:

Now the BIG step, is to have it as first result when we type it in like that begin from here and this is the more diffucult to reach, but I’m sure there is some SEO secrets to push this process…to be honest. me and my friends don’t know them, please tell us if you have an idea. Best regards to you all

Hello all,

I’m happy to bring you good news about begin from here, what is happend yesterday?

During a quick search test, Google begins to present the website diferently, like that:

So I think Google makes things better with the time, but WAIT, this presentation just on the french version of Google, unfortunately we are still trying to work on the SEO of the website, to reference it correctly on

Anyway, works perfect if we type beginfromhere attached, the website presents directly as the first result, but if we type “begin from here” on, nothing about the website in the first 50 pages of the search.

Those links are what Google terms “site links”:

We only show sitelinks for results when we think they’ll be useful to the user. If the structure of your site doesn’t allow our algorithms to find good sitelinks, or we don’t think that the sitelinks for your site are relevant for the user’s query, we won’t show them.

As I’ve said before, I’m not sure that concentrating on search results for your site name is worth the effort. I’d be more concerned about how your site ranks for search terms that potential visitors are likely to use.


Thank you @TechnoBear, I’m working on this issue also, but what we are looking to do, is when someone tells you that there is a nice website called begin from here, maybe you will remember in 2 hours the words only, and think that when you type begin from here you will get ( as first result. I’m doing also the same, I type site point in chrome, instead of typing to get a quick access to the site and its “site links” like the forums.

Yes, “wait” is all what we can do in this kind of cases, as your site will start gaining weight ( value ) in sites of google it will bring it the position that it deserve. So don’t worry there is nothing like has blocked it or so…

The site links you get doing so is just the ones Google selected, I’m not sure other search engins does that yet. Why not use the browser’s dropdown url suggestions?

About your experimental searches, using the location field/address field for search is a feature that I think severely skews the search statistics. It is also annoying to get an unwanted search for a url typo. It leads to search statistics that has common domains and their typos as top search terms. I don’t believe those are actual search terms but a common way to type the “url” to a site.

I’ve occasionally observed people do that as a learned in “short cut” to their favourite site instead of adding the top level part in the url. I’ve even been told by people I asked why they do so when it clearly is less clicks to type the top level part too, or to pick one of the dropdown url suggestions, instead of hitting enter and go to the search results to click the top result. The answer I get is: that it is how one does to get to the site. Often not even aware of the field’s usual dropdown feature with url suggestions.

I can understand that with public computers; the bookmarks are unavaiable and the url suggestions are useless. But as a method?

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