Best way to get AD "Member of" information with PHP

   if(!$_SESSION['authok']) {

      $ad = ldap_connect("ldap://") or
            die("<h1>Could Not connect to AD</h1>");
      ldap_set_option($ad, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);

      if (!empty($_POST['AUTH_USER']) && !empty($_POST['AUTH_PASS'])) {
         if (ldap_bind($ad, $_POST['AUTH_USER']."",
               $_POST['AUTH_PASS'])) {
             $_SESSION['authok'] = 1;
             // TODO: Enter PHP LDAP CALL to obtain MEMBER OF information and
             //  store in a HASH.
         } else {
            $welmsg = "Login Failed, Please try again";
            $_SESSION['authok'] = "";
      if (!$_SESSION['authok']) {
Login and password form code goes here with action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>"

This works, now I want to determine or obtain a list of groups that a person may be a member of and store that information in a session variable to help determine if a given user belongs to a given group that is allowed to view a given page. Anyone have some advice on what the best approach would be or a sample of code that will do this? I am dealing with users that will typically be a member of no fewer than 2 groups, I was thinking that some ldap call that would query the Member of list and store the results in a HASH. Also, if someone has a sample of the PHP ldap call and format that I would use to execute this that would be much appreciated.


This block of code is a rip from an intranet system I did a year or two ago. Although the code does things in a bit more detail than you asked for, you should be able to grab the info you need from it.

Essentially, it attempts to bind with the username and password supplied, ($ldap[‘username’] and $ldap[‘password’]) If that works, it searches AD for the username, and pulls back the $info array.

In the array should be $info[0][‘memberof’] which should be an array of the groups that the user is in.


foreach($contexts as $thiscontext){
  $ldap['context'] = $thiscontext;
  $ldap['rdn'] = "CN=" . $ldap['user'] . "," . $ldap['context'];
  if($connection = @ldap_connect($ldap['server'])){
    $outline = "Connected to server.  Attempting to validate username / password <br><br>";
      $outline =  "Successfully authenticated user " . $ldap['user'];
      $person = $ldap['user'];
      $justthese = array( "ou", "sn", "givenname", "mail");
      $sr=ldap_search($connection, $ldap['rdn'], $filter);
      $info = ldap_get_entries($connection, $sr);
      $successcontext = $thiscontext;

  foreach($info[0]['memberof'] as $grps){
   // Do what you want with the group names defined in $grps;


(I know there are some undefined constants, but I cannot post the full script for security reasons)

I have tested some code using the example given above. I am getting unexpected output. Any idea how to clean it up or explain to me why I see what I see.


   $ad = ldap_connect("ldap://") or
            die("<h1>Could Not connect to AD</h1>");

   ldap_set_option($ad, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);

   if ($ad) {
      $bd = ldap_bind($ad, "","password") or
            die("Could not bind to AD!");

   } else {
      die("<h1>No reason to go on</h1>");
   $dn = "ou=dept,dc=someldap,dc=somehwere,dc=com";
   $filter = "(samAccountName=user)";
   $attrs = array("memberOf");

   $result = ldap_search($ad, $dn, $filter, $attrs);
   $entries = ldap_get_entries($ad, $result);

      foreach($entries[0]['memberof'] as $grps){
         echo "$grps<br>";


My output displays as follows:


Any ideas?