Sitepoint Members,
What is the best image oiptimizer you know of? I have an image on my site that I really need to reduce another 50% if possible.
Sitepoint Members,
What is the best image oiptimizer you know of? I have an image on my site that I really need to reduce another 50% if possible.
What have you tried so far? Photoshop and Fireworks obviously have some tools for that, but there are other tools that apparently do an even better job, like
Personally at work I use Photoshop just because most of the images I get sent are compiled in Tifs or PSDs by the graphic designers so it’s just easier but, I did run across an article (blog post) relevant to this conversation a while back while I was working on scaling down a compiled image and needed to know a lot more on the subject of image generation than I ever imagined I would.
You can find more information about it and two similar programs on PNGOut’s wikipedia page and you can find the program itself [URL=“”]here.
EDIT: Oh, hey, look at that it’s also third in Ralph’s list.
I didn’t know I was so spoiled. Gimp2 was just a little better than RIOT and Smush it didn’t help much on this image. This is BMP image turned into a jpg image. Will BMP images work online?
RIOT should do the job fine, for a single image. try imgoptimize for batch optimization.
Yes, but the filesize of BMP files are huge in comparison. Stick with JPG or PNG.
ok. The reason why it’s a bmp (Ctrl Print Screen) is because it’s from a pdf ( Is there a better way to pull an image from a PDF?
If you have a program like Photoshop, you can extract all images in their original form. You should also be able to take screen shots in better formats (I’m on a Mac, though, so I can’t advise about PCs).
I presume you could also convert any file type in Photoshop, but I’ve never dealt with bmps.
If you use the windows vista/7/8 snipping tool, you can save it as a png or jpg. If you use paint, you can do the same.
For a dedicated screenshot utility, I prefer to use greenshot, since I can easily crop, highlight, mark, and obfuscate before saving. However, if you don’t work with screenshots often, this tool might not be all that useful for you.
To re-save/edit/compress/convert after the fact, Irfanview usually does the trick.
I gotta buy that photoshop once and for all. I think Greenshot is going to help me with another problem.
Hehe, not sure you can any more. You have to license it month to month.
Photoshop Elements (the lite version of photoshop) is still available as a one-time purchase:
Both Photoshop CS6 (the one-time purchase version) and Photoshop Creative Cloud (the monthly rental version) are currently available (no idea for how long, though).
There’s also PaintShop Pro, which has been a reasonably popular and vastly less-expensive alternative to Photoshop. [URL=“”]CorelDraw is also in the ring as an alternative, but I can’t say I actually know anyone personally who uses it.
I’ll have to live without it at $605. I didn’t think it was that much.
I got the image (figure 16 at down to 9k but it’s a little fuzzy.
One thing worth trying is to save it at twice the required width and height and resize it in the browser. Get you better results on retina screens, too, without necessarily making the file size greater.
Photoshop is a good image optimizer . You can easily reduce the size of any image using this software. Open the image in photoshop, just press ctrl+ alt+C and set width and height of the image as per your requirements.
Online Image Optimizer is also good optimizer. Check it
You can still buy it, but you have to connect with a CSR for a link. Obviously, Adobe wants everyone to subscribe to their creative cloud.
File types supported by Fireworks:
File types supported by Photoshop:
Adobe Photoshop is the gold standard for image editing. I doubt you’d find anything that does better.
In my openion photoshop is a best image optimizer…
You can try this software, that can be good…