Best 2014 code editor: Dreamweaver vs Coda 2 vs Sublime Text 2 vs Textastic vs other

I am also a user of the amazing Coda on Mac. However I need to switch to PC sometimes. Having a tough time finding an IDE which can match Coda.

I know people rave about Sublime Text (and I do use it too) but FTP navigation and editing isn’t very intuitive at the moment. I like how in Coda I can just browse my web server and double click on a file and remote edit; simple.

So can anyone recommend an IDE with the following:

  • Direct file editing from remote server. And needs to be fast! I think I tried PHPbuilder before and theres always an annoying delay when saving. Don’t think it’s my internet connection.
  • Code completion for HTML, CSS and JS. So it will auto close tags, braces, speech marks etc.