Benefits of Meta tags


Can anyone tell me the importance of meta tags?

How can they be useful when it comes to SEO. What importance Google lays to such websites that have Meta tags?
How can they be beneficial to websites.

Please provide me with the helpful answers.


this is nonsense

google stopped using meta keywords well back in the early part this century

please, try to keep up

<meta name=“keywords” content=“…”> is a waste of time - as r937 says, Google stopped paying any attention to it years ago.

<meta name=“description” content=“…”> allows you to include a brief description of your page, which search engines may show (if they think it’s relevant to the search query) on the results page below the page title. They usually only show up to about 160 characters, so it’s best to keep it no longer than that.

People as well as search engines use meta tags.

When I include a link to a site on one of my sites I like to use the meta description in the link. I like to know where I am going before I click a link so I assume those who use my sites do also. I much prefer it when I can simply copy and paste a well written description.

I have also been known to pull up a page source and look for a meta description when I can’t quickly figure out what the purpose of a site is supposed to be.

In meta tag,
You need to concern in two things which is meta title and meta description.
While Google crawl your website , they do crawl your meta title and meta description to find out what your pages is all about.
Keywords use in meta title and meta description will help in your SEO.

Instead of concentrating on Meta Keywords, concentrate on the Page Titles. These are better recognized by Google. Meta Description is the one that would be displayed by Google for the web page when a user searches for a website. Meta Description would be quite useful for the visitor. But both meta keywords and description are not considered by Google for the purpose of SEO.

Meta tags although not as important, then do allow you to give 160 characters of presell in the serps. Not necessarily important for seo, important for copy and enticing someone to click the link to your page.

Now a days meta tags are not considered as an important factor by Google. Many search engines consider meta tags in ranking a page for a specific keyword. Meta description is a tag which describes your page. Meta keyword is a tag which can have keywords about your page.


Please do your research before you post, and please read the thread before you post things that have already been posted and disproved.

Google his post, it’s been cut and pasted into/from a whole bunch of places. This whole thread is a great argument for why the SEO forum should be replaced with a set of stickies.

It’s threads like these that make me agree with you. It’s a shame that forums can be ruined so easily by fluff posters.

I think this thread has run it’s course…