Being On-call Sucks: The Proof

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Working in devops can sometimes mean hours, days, and entire weekends on-call, in case something goes wrong with your application during a critical time period. While some devops teams have managed to successfully adapt to the on-call process, most find that being on-call is a strain on their team.

VictorOps is on a mission to solve the toughest challenges faced by software teams who require their members to be on-call. They’ve recently surveyed over 500 people in the devops world, and asked them about how they’re handling the on-call process.

What They Found

Being On-call is Stressful for Some…

Worried your team is finding it difficult to maintain peak efficiency while on-call? You’re definitely not alone. In fact, one of the most common findings in the VictorOps survey was that being on-call is a slow developing and often inefficient process. Some participants even went so far as saying the problems based around being on-call were not improving for them, but actually getting worse. What do these on-call difficulties go on to cause? Some respondents cited marriage, family, and other home-life related tension, which speaks to just how difficult the on-call process can be.

And a Breeze for Others

Other participants seemed to have no trouble at all during their experience being on-call. For them, helping the customer and the excitement of the job seemed to make everything worth it.

Automation Is on the Rise

Of the 500+ surveyed, more than half are using infrastructure automation tools, and many find that those tools help ease the pain when it comes to being on-call.

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