Become a Sketch Guru in 3 Easy Steps

An excerpt from, by @mrdanielschwarz

Do you know what is really, really comfortable?

Your comfort zone!

We all have one. Each of us has those four or five applications that we could almost use in our sleep. Those hundreds of hours of muscle memory, shortcuts and familiar quirks that make these apps feel like a cozy, old armchair. They also make switching to a new app feel so… clunky – at least for the first few weeks.

We all want to jump to that productive, intermediate level as quickly as possible.

So, today we’re here to fast-forward your Sketch App skills by giving 3 tips normally only seen amongst the more experienced Sketch gurus.

##Tip #1: Be a keyboard shortcut ninja

Sketch’s keyboard shortcuts are as minimal as can be. Most of the time it’ll be command + something and sometimes it’ll be a singular-lettered key such as “A” for Artboard, but there’s one thing for sure and it’s that you’ll never have to engage in a game of finger-twister when designing in Sketch App.

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