Bad Value on Attribute

Not sure why its giving the error of my object tag…I might have the wrong value… on “type”

ine 74, Column 102: Bad value↩cabs/flash/,0,40,0 for attribute codebase on element object: Tab, new line or carriage return found.
…ersion=6,0,40,0" width="974" height="282" id="Transmonitor" type="media/type"> 
Syntax of URL:
Any URL. For example: /hello, #canvas, or Characters should be represented in NFC and spaces should be escaped as %20.

and what is the
in the URL?


I fixed it seems it didnt need /pub/shockwave/↩cabs/flash/,0,40,0

That arrow before cabs could have been removed and likely still would have worked.,0,40,0

The download link still works.

Either way, good job.

That arrow was not there actually in my code files but yeah thanks.

The arrow represents a hard line break (Hitting “Enter” on your keyboard.)

It’s just an arrow so you can see. You’ll actually notice that the arrow matches the arrow on your “Enter” key on your keyboard.

ah I see thanks.

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