aws-amplify DataStore query response has relational oneToOne property which is treated as promise

i am playing around with aws-amplify datastore. I have developed three apps:

  • 2 mobile apps using react-native and aws-amplify v4
  • create-react-app using aws-amplify v5 (using v5 because @aws-amplify/ui-react requires)

Now the DataModel i am facing issues has following schema.graphql:

type OrderDish @model @auth(rules: [{allow: public}]) {
  id: ID!
  quantity: Int!
  Dish: Dish @hasOne
  orderID: ID! @index(name: "byOrder")

type Dish @model @auth(rules: [{allow: public}]) {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  image: String
  description: String!
  shortDescription: String
  price: Float!
  restaurantID: ID! @index(name: "byRestaurant")
  soldOut: Boolean

This is how i query the data in the frontend:

const [dishes, setDishes] = useState<OrderDish[]>()

useEffect(()=> {
  DataStore.query(OrderDish, (o) => 

Now in the OrderDish query response the one to one relational property Dish is treated as promise. So i am not sure if i am missing any breaking changes, but using aws-amplify v4 within my react-native frontend gives me the Dish property as Model. Any ideas what is happening here?

createdAt: "2022-11-18T12:39:56.962Z"
id: "fa29e0cd-115c-4ed5-ad3f-d2b602ca2954"
orderDishDishId: "1da861eb-d106-4ccf-a9c7-3440916b6fd8"
orderID: "7bf9c694-d127-4bdf-ae0f-cdf6a2316efe"
quantity: 3
updatedAt: "2022-11-18T12:39:56.962Z"
_deleted: null
_lastChangedAt: 1668775196984
Dish: Promise

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