I need some assistance with installing a login and user management php script into a client website.
I’ve managed to edit the script to do what I need it to do, and installed all the html tags/form fields etc, but i’m looking for someone to be able to help me quickly integrate the script with the site. It has instructions but im having a real hard time getting it to work the way I need it to. Would be grateful for any assistance.
The client site is : hxxp://www.asianpokershowdown.com
The registration script is working already : hxxp://www.asianpokershowdown.com/sign_up.php
The standalone login is working already : hxxp://www.asianpokershowdown.com/login.php
Script i’m integrating – http://codecanyon.net/item/php-login-user-management/49008
What I need to do, is integrate that login script across the rest of the site pages, however when I insert the login.php code into the header of the index page i’m getting a ton of errors.
Please let me know if you require more information