Assistance with PHP Login script integration

I need some assistance with installing a login and user management php script into a client website.

I’ve managed to edit the script to do what I need it to do, and installed all the html tags/form fields etc, but i’m looking for someone to be able to help me quickly integrate the script with the site. It has instructions but im having a real hard time getting it to work the way I need it to. Would be grateful for any assistance.

The client site is : hxxp://
The registration script is working already : hxxp://
The standalone login is working already : hxxp://

Script i’m integrating –

What I need to do, is integrate that login script across the rest of the site pages, however when I insert the login.php code into the header of the index page i’m getting a ton of errors.

Please let me know if you require more information

If you want help from people on the forums, you’ll need to give all the details necessary to help – the script, the modifications, your code, etc.

If you are looking to hire someone to help, then please purchase a listing in the SitePoint Marketplace.