Article: 5 Stunning WordPress Portfolio Themes for Designers

An excerpt from, by @elioqoshi

Portfolios are difficult endeavours. If you meet any designer, chances are they will mention their portfolio at some point. Just look at Behance or Dribbble; these communities organize Portfolio Reviews or Meetups regularly to mingle with their own kind, so their portfolio is always up to date.

Obsessions aside, having a portfolio is a need in today’s digital age. Where a physical portfolio is seen very rarely these days, you will find it hard to land a job or gig without a portfolio or an established online presence, especially as a creative.

While it’s very helpful to be present on social networks for designers as Behance or Dribbble, you might want to settle with an independently hosted portfolio which you have control over. As an open source CMS, WordPress is perfect for this task.

I won’t be getting into the details how to install a WordPress installation, instead I’m going to suggest some of the best WordPress portfolio themes I witnessed this year. Some of them are accompanied with a real use case so you will be able to see how this might look outside of the idealistic preview of the theme providers.

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