ARIA: role="article": forced to use a wrapping div?


I managed to suppress most presentational divs I was using. I’m kinda proud of it, and the mood around those forums has definitely something to do with it.

Now, I’ve got a bunch of <p> tags within <div role=“main”>. Those paragraphs are part of an article. I’d like to use role=“article”.

Problem: each <p> would be considered as an article. Saying that the parent div is role=“article” wouldn’t work: it’s already role=“main”.

I feel like I have to throw one more div into my mark-up.

How would you handle it?

If there’s only one article on the page, you just need the main role.

If you’re going to use a role of article, that kinda suggests there are many on the page.

Similar to using the article HTML5 tag.

Also, elements may have more than one role so long as they do not interfere with each other.

Sample code, screen shot and/or link would help

<div role="main">
<p>some text</p>
<p>some text</p>
<p>some text</p>
<p>some text</p>