Are different domain extensions differently indexed by Google?

I would like to know if google shows any partiality in indexing various domains with different extension. For instance, is the indexing of .coms faster than .info or .org? Please share your thoughts.

The only difference would be with the country specific TLDs where those domains within a particular country TLD would rank higher for search results in that country than they would elsewhere. There should be no difference in listing pages regardless of the domain they are on.

There is no any partiality for indexing any domain extensions… I m agree with @felgall … and only domain extension effect for SERP… .Com domain can rank higher then other domain extension like .info & .Net…

Cheers :slight_smile:

You seem to have just contradicted yourself. If there is no partiality shown, why would .com rank higher than any other extension? The only difference, as felgall has said, is with country-specific domains.

I think it’s only country specific domains that are ranked higher. I agree with felgall like the rest of you:).


Check our sticky threads. We have a Search Engine Optimisation FAQ that covers this point.