Apache on Windows Vista problem

I have inclued another attachment. A picture of my local services.
I do not think I see it running.



I don’t see it there - but M$ may have renamed it??? Search through all the services looking for httpd then follow the instructions others have given for Vista installation (which would undoubtedly include checking for Vista’s version of IIS).



Vista came preloaded on my machine. I am using a book by Kevin Yank called Build Your own database driven website using PHP & MySQL. It does not cover windows vista only xp.

Will the localhost take care of the IP address problem?

I will search the services looking for httpd.

You are in New Zealand, I am in the united states in Pennsylvania.
What would be the best time to post for you and me?

From Microsoft Windows OS Usage - NT - XP - Vista website

in a post a question was asked
I am looking to upgrade to Vista for my home PC, but I need to have Iis on it. Does Iis come with home premium?

The answer was
According to what I’ve read Vista home premium does have Iis. However, it’s not installed by default. Just like earlier versions of Windows you have to install Iis from the Add/Remove Windows features from the control panel.

Microsoft TechNet Library will also confirm this. I will also check on this to see that it loaded but not installed

I also do not believe they called iis anything different under vista

Thank you very much for working on this with me.

Jerome Greene
Oracle Developer Analyst

Hi jp!

Sorry for the delay.

The REAL usefulness of Kevin’s book is in the configuration of the daemons - those little things that MUST be changed to make them useful to you!

The Vista information above must be accepted (at least by me - I’ll skip Vista, thank you) so read them carefully. They looked to have GREAT information for you.

Yes, localhost and should take care of your server and IP address problems.

I’m glad that M$ has eliminated the IIS problem for Vista. That was a “nasty” to find and eliminate in XP.

Time to post? I’m 6 clock hours earlier than you AND my day is shifted back a few more hours so your evenings are best. Typically, I’m in every Hosting board at least once a day but Apache more often than that. Sorry, my wife insists that I “get a life”, too!



Dave thank you very very much for your help!! When Apache started there were no errors this time. I am enclosing an attachment for anybody else that is getting the same error message I was.

Do you also handel PHP & MySql problems as well or do I post those questions in the PHP & MySql forums?

Thank you once again!!! :slight_smile:

Jerome Greene
Oracle Developer Analyst


I can generally handle those, too, as they ARE part of setting up your own server with Apache.

Hints: MySQL is installed as a service with the only critical part being the root login (username and password) which is also used by phpMyAdmin. PHP is installed separately, typically in its own directory, so the default location will make it easier for you. The only “tricky” thing is to be sure to include the LoadModule for your Apache/PHP combination and the AddType statement for PHP in the Apache httpd.conf - also the include statement for httpd-vhosts.conf when you get to creating local domains. When you get to phpMyAdmin, install in Apache’s htdocs folder and use the documentation/example for your configuration file.

If you want mod_rewrite enabled, you’ll have to UNcomment that line in the httpd.conf, too!
