Alstrasoft E-friends Nightmare! Beware!

OMG. You guys saved me almost $500. I almost bought this software yesterday until I read this forum. Your experiences with Alstrasofts almost sound like the experiences I had with WebScribble.

What kills me is both of the companies almost never have a negative review on

I never rely on anything at Hotscripts. It’s always had an extremely poorly maintained comment system and sometimes my comments would simply never appear for arbitrary reasons only the site owner knows. If you find something on Hotscripts, look anywhere else for reasonably good, honest, informative reviews of the product as a whole.

Can anyone that has gotten e-friends to work recommend an ISP? We can’t get this to work at 1& My regular and reliable ISP is not running the correct MYsql. I have no desire to use one of their affiliated ISPs as they are even less responsive that Alstrasoft.

I just want to get this up and all of it running.

thanks for your help in advance.

I don’t use any alstrasoft, but I just switched to LiquidWeb hosting, and they were VERY accomdating with the versions of mysql and apache that i needed to have.

When you call, they pick up the phone.

altrasoft sucks i got the e-friends script never got my $$ back from them waste of $300

A link to this thread, plus links to more reviews of AlstraSoft software can be found at

So, which software, would you all collectively recommend, if it were to be a YouTube clone, Or roundabout that type, and maybe even more.

Keen to know.

could som1 please give me some advice. i am looking to start a social network site for a niche audience, starting of with a cheap software (max £300) and then upgrade the site once i have enough users. i have no knowledge of programming or codes but am a quick learner. do u think its possible for som1 like me to be able to run a software such as alstrasoft or phpfox without the knowledge i.e just by reading the manual.

also these softwares require sql, linux etc but could i edit the skins and admin controls on my normal windows computer and then send that version to the hosting co.

your help would be much appreciated.

If your thinking of spending 300$ on alstrasofts video share enterprise dont bother. I was the fool who did and the script is incomplete. there’s problems with sql queries mostly and you’d have to understand how to rewrite database queries. the script is even missing lines of code in the config.php file! As someone else said support is non-existent. I’ve had to download js files to include in the scripts libraries as the script calls them but their non-existent!

I’m sorry I ever went near these guys. Have most of it working now (still can’t play videos only upload them). this script can be found for free if you look in any case. If you do go ahead and have any probs pm me and I’ll try help ya.

There is no alternative. noone has a video sharing script. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the note guys …looks like i am staying away from alstrasoft…is there any other similiar products like E-Friends?


If you’re looking for a social networking script, this is the thread to read:

As for a video sharing type script, have a look HERE…and [URL=“”]HERE

Guys i know this is very old thread but just wanted to let others know that my client had got e-friend script from same company and i have fixed all its issues. So if any one needs help let me know i might help you to install it. we are usaing same script for various projects now.

Wow, can’t believe Alstrasoft hasn’t tried to save face & offer some support to the customers in this thread.

Instead it appears they have done a little google bombing for the title of this topic.

Do a search for “Alstrasoft E-friends Nightmare!!! Beware!” on google and check out the first result.

I am having an issue with the company mentioned in this thread and will do a hell of a job at making it known if they don’t fix it soon. :x

Getting this thread ranked #1 for alstrasoft would be a good start.

Another Alstrasoft Nightmare reported.

If you know of any other Alstrasoft nightmares, please post them here, as I am going to make sure these are not burried any longer.

One of the most recent “features” a client of mine has discovered is that when you edit your profile, you lose a day on your birthday. At least with the version we have. This affects search results. Though I am getting younger by the day.

He is also having problems opening his accounts in Vista.

And then there is the fact that they keep closing my tickets. Don’t let me know. It isn’t like I felt the problem had been taken care of, but the ticket was closed.

Oh, and at the bottom of a blog, none of the links to the subsequent pages of the blog are working.

Cherie, I believe you meant to post that in another thread?

Anyway, I put together a little story about my experience with Alstrasoft here.


My name is Phil<snip> - My company owns and develops a piece of software called ‘AdQuick’ which i started working on in May 2006.

I just wanted to let you know what kind of company Alstrasoft really are.

Alstrasoft illegally obtained our ‘AdQuick’ software a few months ago and have now put it on their website at and are now pretending its theirs and selling it themselves.

We will never give anyone permission to re-sell our software as thats just the way we work, but these guys are saying we gave them permission and rubbish like that, and are now profiting from our hard work.

The thing is though, i have had emails from 2 other companies who have experienced the exact same thing as me, so its not a 1 off case.

Alstrasoft also recently had their credit card payment facility closed down with because of the fact they are selling pirated software.

I did some further investigating into the copy of our software they are selling, and i found out that they actually in fact selling a ‘pre version 1’ beta version of our software which is about a year old, and i know for a fact that this version of our software had some serious security problems and features bugs that will make this copy of our script almost useless. You have to remember this copy of AdQuick is from even before we started selling it, and we fixed all these problems about a year ago, but they still have the bug ridden copy.

This just goes to show what kind of company Alstrasoft really are.

– Phil

If your software is being illegally copied, why don’t you shut down their server? Apparently they are located in Florida and a DMCA letter to their host should be effective.