Align text with image

Hi I want to align my text with the paper image on the side but not sure how…like align center not bottom like this…

<ul id="LN" style="list-style-type: none;margin-left:-50px;">
                        <li><img style="width:22px;height:22px;" src="images/paper.png">&nbsp;<a class="LN"  href="pdf/RM.pdf">Risk Management</a></li>
                        <li><img style="width:22px;height:22px;" src="images/paper.png">&nbsp;<a class="LN"  href="pdf/PD.pdf">Prevent Damage</a></li>     

Set vertical-align:middle; on the <img>

hehe I was trying to use vertial-align:center; but middle worked thanks.

Slightly off-topic, but why are you using this?

<img style="width:22px;height:22px;" src="images/paper.png">

Either declare the image dimensions in your style sheet, or just use the normal HTML format:

<img width="22" height="22" src="images/paper.png">

(And you should, of course, also add alt="" to indicate to screenreaders that it’s purely decorative and prevent them reading out the filename or whatever instead.)

whoops ill do that.

The CSS doesn’t matter that much but the HTML width/height attributes in the HTML tells the browser what space to reserve for the image while it loads. IIRC anyway.

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Thanks. :thumbsup:

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