Ads appear above the content area

in large screens no problem but, in small screen sizes ads appear above the content area… How can I fix that ? I don’t have information enough about css…

My css codes;

.leftbanner {
  position: fixed;
  left: 0px;
  top: 0px;
  z-index: 1

And html

<div class="leftbanner" >
  ... my ad code

It depends on where you want the ads to appear on small screens, if at all.
The css you posted will place them “fixed” at the top of the screen always, so I imagine it may be obtrusive on small screens obscuring some content.

Setting position: static in a media query will revert to the default positioning behaviour on small screens, where the ads will scroll with the content.
Alternatively setting display: none will hide them altogether.
The right answer really depends on what you want to do with the ads on small screens.

when the content area covers the screen, ad should be no appear… but on other screens, should appear next to content

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