Adding events to WordPress Calendar?

Hello everyone,
I’m trying to figure out how to add information to
Can anyone guide me on how to add events to certain dates?
Thanks for your help
WordPress Calendar is here

The WordPress version is WordPress 4.6.1.
In the plugins section I found a Version 1.5.2
In the back-end I found

I thought I would have to update it as a widget. However, I don’t see a widget.
When I click settings it brings me here

It’s just like adding a new post. On the dashboard menu, you will see CalPress Events. Just click on Add New.

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Thank you so much! It worked. :smiley:
I do have one more question. Not all of the title fits into the calendar. It’s cut off after Seasonal In…
Is there a way for me to make the information fit better or should I just edit it?

I tried again and got this

The calendar cells are quite small, so of course a long title will not fit, but it does show up completely in the popup when you click on the event. I would just make sure that the first few words of the title make sense and summarize what the event is all about, and then let the user click to get the full title.

You could probably squeeze in more by decreasing the font size with CSS, but I don’t think the decrease in readability would make it worth it.

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Thanks for your help!!! :slight_smile:

Just wondering if there is a way to put in a time without a start time and end time?

If you want just a date / dates without a time, select the “All day event” checkbox. Otherwise you have to choose a start time and end time

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