Add rel attribute to window.location.href?

I have a “lightbox” plugin installed in my site that I use for my popup windows throughout the site. For one feature of my site I’m doing a cookie check and if one doesn’t exist I have a submit form popup in a window; and I would like to use my plugin for that instead of, for example, a I just need to add a rel=“lightbox” to my location achieve that. My current script is:

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $('.filedownload').click(function() {
        if ($.cookie("AKHDownload")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            window.location.href = "document-download-form.html";
            return false;

How can I add the rel to the location above?:

<a href="window.location.href" rel="lightbox">



Just to understand you correctly: if your cookie check fails, you would like to have a form open automatically in a modal window (using Lightbox).
Is that correct?

Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes that’s correct.

Thanks again.

No probs :slight_smile:

It seems like you’re using Lokesh Dhakar’s lightbox plugin.
Unfortunately this can only be used to display images.

Instead I would suggest looking into jquery-ui dialog.
It’s highly customizable and can be made to work exactly like the lightbox plugin.

Here’s a demo (click on the “Create a new user” button).

Thanks, I’m actually using a Joomla plugin that handles most everything; images, videos, external sites, HTML, etc. It’s a lightbox effect and the rel can be anything you enter; I just used “lightbox”. I use it in the rest of the site for YouTube videos, images, etc. My form is embedded in a page and I’m popping that up. If I could add rel=“lightbox” I’d be good to go.



Could you post a link to the page in question?

The site is still in dev stage and currently on my local machine, the plugin I’m using is:


Oh, ok.

Well, going back to your original question, window.location doesn’t have a rel property.
That is, you cannot write window.location.rel = "lightbox"

A sensible alternative is perhaps to create the link on the page, then hide it:

#link{ display: none;}
<a href="document-download-form.html" rel="lightbox" id="link">Click</a>

Then, in the else part of your cookie check, trigger a click on this link:

if ($.cookie("AKHDownload")) {
  return true;
} else {

Does that help?

Ah, that makes sense why I was unable to insert the rel tag, thanks. And thanks for this trigger option, I’ll be able to get that pulled up here in a little to try out and will report back.


Thanks again, I’ve inserted this option and it worked great and created the lightbox pop just as I needed. One concern is that with the “<a href=“document-download-form.html” rel=“lightbox” id=“link”>Click</a>” being hidden Google will still pick it up. I’ll more with it but am definitely heading in the right direction. Thanks again for your time and help.

If this is a major worry for you, it would be possible to create the link programmatically, append it to the DOM and trigger a click on it.

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Append link</title>
    <style>#link{display: none;}</style>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
          var link = $('<a href="document-download-form.html" rel="lightbox" id="link">Click</a>');

I’m not sure that that is the best solution though.
Why is it bad if Google picks it up?

Appending the link would be great, I tried it but it just goes to the “document-download-form.html” page with out popping up, it doesn’t trigger the lightbox. I see where you’re heading with that though and will play around with it. It seems though that the lightbox trigger becomes nulled when it’s appended for some reason; I’ll troubleshoot it though to confirm.

The “document-download-form.html” is a hidden page and only should be called when clicking on certain links, which will be some PDF files. I have other coding in the form as well where the file will download once the form is submitted and they go to a specific “thank you” page. If it was picked up by Google and someone went to it it wouldn’t work correctly, doesn’t have a template (it’s the form only), etc.



I’m guessing that this is a plugin issue.
Maybe it grabs all links with a rel attribute of “lightbox” which are present in the DOM on page load and attaches certain behaviour to them.
The bare-bones example I posted should have worked, however.

Then I would ask Google and co. not to index it.
This might help:

Hi, great idea with the Google non-indexing. You’re dead on with the plugin issue, there was a conflict with other JQuery code and I was able to fix that using Fancybox instead and the popup is now working using the variable. I have Fancybox using the ID attribute name “formbox”. My current code is below, which is working fine for what I need. I’ll revisit it at a later time to make improvements but I’m good to go for now.

The linked files all ended up being PDF files so I change the click function to files with PDF extensions:

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
	$('a[href$=".pdf"]').click(function() { //applies to all PDF files
		if ($.cookie("AKHDownload")) { //checks for AKHDownload cookie
			return true;
		} else {
			var link = $('<a style="display:none;" href="document-download-form.html" id="formbox"></a>');
			$('#formbox').trigger('click'); //Fancybox ID attribute name "formbox" triggers popup
			return false;

Thanks again for all your help!!

No problem :slight_smile:
Thanks for taking the time to report back.