Add image and link to header


which code I will must insert to header to add a image with external link and customize (margin & padding) to set it to the right place…

Which class I will must use, or can I do it without it?
I would like to add it under the logo.

Here’s a some code(logo)

/*---------HEADER STUFF-----------*/
a#logo  {width:100%; background: #000; background:rgba(0,0,0,.85); display: block; clear: right; padding: 80px 0; text-align: center; color: #fff; margin-bottom: 0px;}
a#logo:hover {text-decoration: none;}
a#logo img {max-width: 80%;}


Can you post a link to the page you’re trying to change? That will help people answer your question correctly.

I have it on localhost…some other way to help?

I have set the website online

It’s located here:


The code you posted does not make a whole lot of sense. It appears to be CSS code however there are no style tags. I looked at the source for your web page and the same snippet does not exist in the head section.

If you want to add a logo and style it, you should just place a image tag inside of a div tag in your header.php file or equivalent for your theme. It may look something like this,

<div id=”header_logo”>
<a href=”yourexternallink”><img src=”yourimagepath” alt=”” /></a>

Your corresponding CSS might look like this

Float: left;
Margin: some value;
Padding: some value;

I cannot put values for your margin and padding or know if these are even relevant for you to use without knowing what your header.php file looks like or how other elements on the page are positioned but this should point you in the right direction.

