Add column name in webmethod

I have SQL query and then i convert this LINQ and then i bind gridview in jquery. Now there is a column in the SQL query with no name.

As you may see in result with "(“no column name)” now i want to give some name this column also how i add this column in code and also in jquery

i have sql query like this

ALTER procedure [dbo].[grid_data]
    @fromdate datetime,
    @todate datetime,
    @region varchar(50)
    Select D.ID as 
        (Select Count(*) from tblve WHERE MID = D.ID and Vme <> '') as                   
    from tblRe M 
        inner join tblReg D 
        On M.RID = D.RID 

and this return data like this

ID      (No column name)  lim   Speed
19235       3             1065   120
19655       5             923    120
20261       4             757    120
19659       4             551    122


then i convert this to linq like this… now problem is when i add this column “total” then when i press f12 console shows "http://localhost:33578/WebForm1.aspx/search_data Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)"

public static string search_data(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate, string region)
        T1 ts = new T1();
        var query = (
            from M in ts.tblRe 
                join D in ts.tblReg on M.RID equals D.RID
                M.Region == region
                && M.StartDate <= fromdate
                && M.EndDate >= todate
            select new { 
                total= ts.tblve.Where(x => x.MID == D.ID && x.Vme != 

        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        dt.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
        dt.Columns.Add("total", typeof(int));
        dt.Columns.Add("lim", typeof(string));
        dt.Columns.Add("Speed", typeof(string));

        foreach (var c in dq)
            dt.Rows.Add(c.ID,, c.lim, c.Speed);

        result = DataSetToJSON(dt);

        return result;
    catch (Exception)
        throw new Exception("");

and then i add columns and bind gridview in webmethod and in jquery like this

success: function (result) {
    var final = JSON.parse(result.d).response;

    if (final.length > 0) {

        for (var i = 0; i < final.length; i++) {
            if (final[i] !== null) {
                $("#tabledata").append("<tr><td>" +
                    final[i][0] + "</td> <td>" +
                    final[i][1] + "</td> <td>" +
                    final[i][2] + "</td> <td>" +
                    final[i][3] + "</td></tr>");    

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