Add blog to website

Hi all been looking around trying to add blog/blog page to website version WordPress 3.4.2. and from what i understand it can be done via dashboard by clicking WordPress icon, what do i do after this drop down menu lists,Documentation,Support forums and Feedback. found this information from this thread any help appreciated.

Just to clarify: is your site already running on WordPress, or have you added WordPress to an existing static site?

Hi Ralph.m,Yes my site is built in WordPress see signature

In general:
Add a page called blog.
In settings set that wp will use that page for blog.
Add blog page into the menu.
Add a post…That’s it if your theme is ready for this of course.

In your theme settings you should be able to set any page to display as a blog template.

For e.g. when you create a new page, on the right hand said of the page, it should give you a drop down menu to choose the page template like "Full Width, Blog, Contact Us etc. This is one way of doing it.

If your theme doesn’t have this option then you might need to set up a sub-domain like
and install wp on that sub-domain and a blogging theme that matches your main website’s design.