A tag will not line up

I want to center the text in the <a> tags on a page, but the css I am trying is not working. Please advise.

The text I am referring to is in the “Previous Blogs” section at the bottom of the page, inside the individual previous blogs boxes. It is the blue text right under the dates. http://billboardfamily.com/blogs/

Anchors (<a>) are inline elements, so centering doesn’t apply to them. It’s better to nest inline elements within a block level element always (so that the inline element doesn’t butt up against other block level elements), so I would recommend you wrap <p> tags around that text and then style appropriately.

I thought about that, but that moves the text down from where it is now. I tried to use a div tag, but the same effect. hmmmm

That’s becaue of this:

#previousblogs .box-small p {
    padding-top: 10px;

So you could remove that padding, or, if you need it elsewhere, target this particular <p> with another rule. Then you can apply text-align: center;