A quick question that may have been answered before

I have some OLD code when I first started trying to program with PHP. It works like I wanted it too, but I also know that a hacker could easily inject it.

Would you as a programmer try to modernize the coding or toss it and rewrite it all?

The answer requires knowing how much code there is, how it is organized, and what’s wrong with it.

Inject it with what? Php, javascript, html, css, email, sql, or any/all of those?

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I’m hoping to update this topic which may be of interest and especially the link to the Joel blog:

The thing about that Joel blog post is that it is completely without nuance. It really depends whether rewriting something is a good idea or not. Depends on how large the piece of system is, how well maintained/maintainable the old system is, if there are differences in the team that is writing it now vs the team that wrote it originally, etc, etc.

In some cases indeed it can be a bad idea, but there are certainly cases where it might be a good idea. Without knowing the details of the OP here it’s impossible to answer their question.


As programmer I would like to rewrite this completelly. But in real life that is almost impossible.


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