August 29, 2012, 1:36am
We like to give away free books to people that make stellar posts, and here is a great example of just such a post.
@Wayne_Liew ; has gone out of his way to be helpful here and his advice is solid too, which makes it even more golden!
So there’s a free book of your choice heading your way Wayne. Thanks for your contribution to our community!
Hi HAWK, thanks for the feature, I’m not expecting this.
Anyway, I like how the MODs are doing their job here. I’ll try my best to contribute and help fellow Sitepoint members.
August 29, 2012, 6:03am
Nice work, Wayne. I bookmarked your post when I first read it. Very interesting.
Definitely well deserved! You brought new insights on getting started in Social Media that I hadn’t seen at all here before.
Thanks for that excellent post, Wayne! I’m a complete ignorant when it comes to these things. I just tweet manually whenever I feel like it, which isn’t often, so your tips are quite useful to me as I’m looking to get more out of Twitter in general.
Congratulations, Wayne. Good to have you around.