6 errors & 2 warnings with my html- help?

Hi I am new to web design and have a problem with my HTML that is causing my site map to have problems. I stumbled on here because I tried to fix this myself and tried to follow along with other similar issues, but I seem to be getting nowhere. I have used Validator w3 to find out my faults and have a screen print of the problems that I can share



Perhaps if you provide us with a link to your site, we might be able to help…

Thanks alot

Not bad compared to some that I’ve seen

  • Error: Bad value tel:0141 280 2585 for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in scheme data: space is not allowed.
  • Warning: Element nav does not need a role attribute.
  • Error: The frameborder attribute on the iframe element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
  • Error: The width attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
  • Error: The cellpadding attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
  • Warning: The border attribute on the table element is presentational markup. Consider using CSS instead.
  • Error: The frameborder attribute on the iframe element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
  • Warning: The border attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying img { border: 0; } in CSS instead.

The invalid telephone number attribute might break the link for cell phone users that try to use it. But that’s an easy fix.

The nav doesn’t need a role is a Warning, not an error.

The rest are about CSS

It might take a while for you to fix these, but as far as I know, at least for the time being. most browsers still support obsolete inline style attributes.

Because you never know when any particular browser will drop support, these could break at any time,
I don’t think you need to go into panic mode. Just fix them as soon as you can get to them.


If its nothing urgent then that is good to know and has eased my concerns a bit. I can get around to that asap. Thanks for your assistance :grinning:

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Welcome to the forums, @jdjprayer1.

I’m a little confused by that. Generally speaking, a sitemap is an xml document (not HTML) created to help search engine bots navigate, While some large sites do also include an HTML sitemap for humans, I don’t see one on your site.

For a small site like this, it’s not necessary to have either form of sitemap. I’m just concerned that perhaps we’ve not understood your question fully.


ok, I have issues with my site map and they were the only errors I found on my site which I assumed (was just a guess) hmmmm I should have a site map on my page according to my yoast dashboard


You do, an XML sitemap, not a HTML page sitemap.

IMHO you’re covered with this



cheers thanks for that

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