404 Error in local host

Hello all,

I am making a website in php. It is currently running on local host. I have added the database and everything was working fine. Now the problem i am facing is when i click on the sub categories of the horoscope tab, astrology tab and so on, it re-directs the page to 404 not found. All the database is connected but it is not able to fetch the value from database.

I am also attaching the screen shots (1, 2, 3) you that you will understand what i am trying to say. Please help in resolving this error it is really very urgent and important.



We can’t really tell what’s wrong with a screen shot. Are the links pointing to the correct page files? What does your link code look like? With that setup, your links will probably have to include “/~navgrahm/”

PS: Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

i don’t know how to explain my point i cannot post the url also is theer any option of chatting ? So that i can interact with you


Here is the link:

So are you sure the pages actually exist? How is the site set up? Are you using a CMS?

All the information is being fetched from the DATABASE and there are all the tables in the database. Yes i am using CMS and it is self made CMS (not joomla or wrodpress).

When you say “everything was working fine”, do you mean that those pages were working at some point?

yes when i connected the DB in the beginning the values were fetched and the pages were being displayed but dont know what happened when i show the site to my owner it starting showing errors.

Also when i am running the query in the phpmyadmin it is working fine

Is the link you gave us a link to your web host? Were the pages working in the current location, or have you moved the site (e.g. from your computer to your web host)?

yes the link is of web host and the files are also on web host

every page and its URL will be generated through the Data Base

But did the site ever work on the web host, or just on your own computer?